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Chris Dobison

vAMSYS Support Staff
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Posts posted by Chris Dobison

  1. Hi Ben,

    There are no restrictions in trial other than not being able to use your register link (you can invite pilots in though). There are a lot of features to setup, and it isn't a quick process - we limit access to the importers for the first few days whilst you get to grips with the massive amount of information elsewhere (we found so many were rushing straight to the importers and bricking their VA which then took us time to fix).

    Once you're happy with the setup though you can enter your billing details and that will "launch" your VA immediately. That will then become your regular billing date each month.



  2. 10 hours ago, Steven M. said:

    That's fine, but seems to be a different position to the comment by Lukas above which I was responding to, who suggested that let's talk.

    What I mean is we have no intention of releasing the source code to the open world. As Lukas said, if you have developers then let’s talk - that’s different to making it publicly available, and not a chat for a public forum. Feel free to drop us a support ticket with your plans / people and we will review accordingly. 

  3. Hi Steve,

    To answer your questions in order:

    1. Tours are not something currently available on the platform. VAs have managed to setup their own workarounds though by adding each of the legs on a "tour" to VDS in the usual manner, and then creating a custom page showing what the tour consists of. You can then manually verify completion for bonus points, or setup a hidden event to award bonus points on the final leg for example (if you even want to assign bonus points to it).

    2. This is not a feature of the platform at the present time I'm afraid.

    3. Which logo in particular? Pegasus is a universal app which covers every vAMSYS VA so if you mean the login page, then no otherwise everyone would see your logo even if they aren't in your VA (and the Pegasus software is developed by vAMSYS). 

    All the best,



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