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  5. We do not routinely monitor ourairports for new data entries as it is unmanageable. If you are specifically require this airport may I suggest you make the addition request to ourairports and then contact us once it is in their dataset, after which we will be happy to run another import of data.
  6. All our airport data comes from ourairports. Once it's added there it'll appear on vamsys when we next run an update
  7. Is there any possibility to add Wolf Fang Runway to the Airports?
  8. Lets Start A NEW one, i already save the Routes and i will add the New Aircrafts Thank you and sorry for any problems.
  9. We can change the name but it is not possible to change the prefix. You will have to start a new VA if you wish to change
  10. Hello all Is it Possible to Change my Airline From SKYexpress to Aeolus AirFreight with ICAO AAG and IATA AAH ? I want to make a Greek Cargo Airline not a real one if its possible. With the same routes and steelsheet. Sorry if i make you troubles Kind Regards
  11. Please send us a support ticket with more info https://help.vamsys.co.uk
  12. Hey there, I'm trying to create a VA, and I got the email after finishing my application, but following the instructions here it doesn't seem to work. I've tried over multiple accounts, and it still won't let me create a VA. can I get some help?
  13. No, pilots can only book onto aircraft and routes that you have configured. There isnt an option for pilots to book and fly whatever they want. If it's something you would like us to consider adding, then please post it on our ideas page. Details are on your Orwell dashboard
  14. Hello! I really wanted to know if you guys have this type of option, so that my pilots can choose any airplane and airport? "Is there an option in the future?"
  15. Hello Lukas, I have strictly followed all the instructions to create several soundpacks inside the same VA, but different folders choice do not appear in the settings tab, and even if I put only one folder inside my VA's folder, we only listen the "default" soundpack provided by the VA. Am I doing something wrong ? Thank you
  16. Thank you very much for your answer, which has enabled me to successfully resolve my problem!
  17. You have ticket the option "Hide Staff - Hides the Member of Staff from Staff List" In your staff settings. From orwell, management, staff settings, click the member of staff, other settings and untick the hide staff option if you want to be displayed
  18. There are 8 members of staff in Members of Staff, including myself (Owner). However, the Community Team does not display myself and two other key employees, while all other employees are displayed correctly.
  19. Happy New Year 2024 !! And continue the excellent work!! Best regards, Alvaro Quintas CEO -MontiCargo VA
  20. I'll make it easy for you, your VA was deleted a few moments after you created it as you were attempting to register a restricted callsign. You would have seen an error message when you tried to use the correct callsign. We pride ourselves on our support network but we do expect people to read through the significant amount of documentation that is supplied to VA owners on registration before asking questions. The answer to your question wasn't as simple as "it's here" because there is about 25 steps to complete to configure your VA before you can start adding routes, which is why Chris pointed you back to the checklist.
  21. I don't have anything like what you're telling me, if it were that simple I wouldn't be asking... I think your support is not the best or helpful. Honestly, that's what's making me think about not subscribing, and bringing my VA to Vamsyms.
  22. Please read the New VA Checklist which was sent to you at registration. This contains all the steps you need to take.
  23. As we taxi towards the end of another remarkable year, all of us at Team vAMSYS are filled with gratitude and excitement. It's been a year of soaring high and covering great distances both for us and for you. Your unwavering support and dedication has been the key to our shared success this year. A Year in the Sky: This year, the virtual airspace turned into a buzzing hub of activity like never before. An incredible 440,000 PIREPs were filed - that's about 1,205 PIREPs daily, proof that your communities are as lively as a 24/7 airport terminal. Your virtual pilots have been racking up flight hours like seasoned captains - a testament to the vibrant and dynamic world you helped create for the ever-increasing number of pilots who chose to fly for your Virtual Airlines. Speaking of flight hours, with a whopping 900,643 hours logged – your pilots have practically been in the air since the Wright brothers first took off! It’s also long enough to watch the entire "Airplane!" movie series about 60,000 times! And let's talk about the distance - an astounding 171,255,449 nautical miles flown. That’s enough to make even the most seasoned globe-trotter’s head spin. In fact, your Virtual Airlines have logged enough miles to reach the International Space Station over 7,000 times! Innovation on the Horizon: As we approach 2024, our commitment to innovation and enhancing the virtual airline experience for both pilots and Virtual Airline Staff is at full throttle. The new year promises exciting changes, ensuring that our journey together continues to be engaging and groundbreaking. We’re excited to confirm that, weather permitting, the vAMSYS v5 open beta for Owners and Staff is preparing for landing before the year's end. We're currently navigating through the final checks and fine-tuning a few remaining tasks. As many of you have seen in our Discord, our progress is on a steady clim. Your ideas and active engagement with each new sneak peek have been critical in making this possible – thank you for being such an integral part of our control tower! With Gratitude: Your choice to use vAMSYS and your active participation in our ongoing development have been pivotal in our journey this year. Your feedback, suggestions, bug reports or just off-topic chat have served as inspiration and a relief in our long-charting the course towards v5. As most of you gear up for the festive season and prepare for your final approach into 2024, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your continued support. To the Owners, Staff and my friends at Team vAMSYS - You are the jet fuel that makes it all possible. Happy Holidays and Blue Skies, Lukas Jankauskas The vAMSYS Team
  24. Please follow the new VA checklist that was emailed to you, and is on our knowledgebase. You need to create airports in your VA before you can set a location.
  25. Hello, I am the creater of Air Jamaicav I've been trying to set my location but it's not registering. Can someone assist me? Please see attached photo
  26. Please ask questions once and wait for a reply. We will deal with this via your support ticket as we believe you have missed some important parts of the checklist
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