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vAMSYS Support Staff
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  • vAMSYS Staff
    (Community Support Team)

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  1. This is a completely unrelated issue. You shouldn't be setting the IVAO ID of your pilots, they should be doing this themselves. If you're getting a message that your IVAO ID is already in use, then that has nothing to do with vamsys pilot IDs. Either you have another user account with us and should merge your accounts, or someone else has used your IVAO ID by mistake.
  2. Looks like you have quite a few issues. What happened to your starting WRD callsign? You have a route configured to use B737 using a DTA callsign but non of your B737 aircraft have that enabled as a parameter, so the route can't be booked. The routes where you've entered a route (rather than being manual route planning required) also don't look like they have been entered correctly. (Eg should EXALA UJ614 BG be EXALA UJ614 BENGA?)
  3. There are no issues with the maps. I have checked the VA you are referring to and you have no pairs or routes configured, which is why the map is blank and only showing the pin of your current location.
  4. Please force a refresh on your browser.
  5. We have changed our mapping system. A hard refresh of the page should fix this. https://discord.com/channels/398186537952477196/398187082696228875/1255851922284478474
  6. I have edited your post as you had posted a screenshot containing sensitive data. Please send us a support ticket if you continue to have issues
  7. The situation has not changed, we are unable to change pilot IDs. There are no plans to enable this feature at any point in the future.
  8. All our airport data comes from ourairports. Once it's added there it'll appear on vamsys when we next run an update
  9. We can change the name but it is not possible to change the prefix. You will have to start a new VA if you wish to change
  10. Please send us a support ticket with more info https://help.vamsys.co.uk
  11. No, pilots can only book onto aircraft and routes that you have configured. There isnt an option for pilots to book and fly whatever they want. If it's something you would like us to consider adding, then please post it on our ideas page. Details are on your Orwell dashboard
  12. You have ticket the option "Hide Staff - Hides the Member of Staff from Staff List" In your staff settings. From orwell, management, staff settings, click the member of staff, other settings and untick the hide staff option if you want to be displayed
  13. I'll make it easy for you, your VA was deleted a few moments after you created it as you were attempting to register a restricted callsign. You would have seen an error message when you tried to use the correct callsign. We pride ourselves on our support network but we do expect people to read through the significant amount of documentation that is supplied to VA owners on registration before asking questions. The answer to your question wasn't as simple as "it's here" because there is about 25 steps to complete to configure your VA before you can start adding routes, which is why Chris pointed you back to the checklist.
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