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3 newbie questions

Steven M.


Hi guys - just getting to grips with the system in preparation for launching our new VA.

3 questions have popped up so far which are things we don't seem to be able to resolve on our own.  Hoping you guys can help:


1. How do we set up and manage tours?

2. Can awards be assigned to pilots?  (eg - a pilot has just completed the European Capital Tour, and so get awarded a badge)

3. On Pegasus, can we replace the large Vamsys logo with the VAs logo  This would look far cleaner and slicker to our pilots. 


Thanks in advance.  Steve Mount 

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Hi Steve,

To answer your questions in order:

1. Tours are not something currently available on the platform. VAs have managed to setup their own workarounds though by adding each of the legs on a "tour" to VDS in the usual manner, and then creating a custom page showing what the tour consists of. You can then manually verify completion for bonus points, or setup a hidden event to award bonus points on the final leg for example (if you even want to assign bonus points to it).

2. This is not a feature of the platform at the present time I'm afraid.

3. Which logo in particular? Pegasus is a universal app which covers every vAMSYS VA so if you mean the login page, then no otherwise everyone would see your logo even if they aren't in your VA (and the Pegasus software is developed by vAMSYS). 

All the best,



Operations Director & Owner: Virtual European Aviation Group (vEAG). Comprising: vTUISmartLynx VirtualTitan VirtualvAvionVueling VirtualFly4 and Speedbird Virtual.

No support is offered by DM - please use the support channel relevant to your query (VA support to the airline directly, vAMSYS support for owners and staff only via the offical vAMSYS Discord)

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Hi Chris thanks for the swift reply.  Just in response

1.  I suspected that we would need to make a workaround for tours along the lines you have suggested, so thanks for confirming that it wasn't just us missing something.  Will tours be included in a future update?  I am sure we are not the only VA who would like to have tours for pilots to fly.

2.  Could we submit a request that awards could be a possible upgrade  for the future?

3. Pegasus branding.  This is a big one for us because our VA is  part of a real life flight training business so ideally we want to be promoting our business through the VA, not vamsys.   We would ideally want our "FlyVFE" logo showing on pegasus rather than the Vamsys logo in the top left hand corner.    If this is not possible (I can totally understand the reasons you have given as pilots may fly for several vamsys airlines) then perhaps a generic " Flight Tracker" logo could be used in place of the "Vamsys" logo? I suspect that like us,  other VAs will really want their pilots to see their branding on pegasus, or no branding at all.

I have another thought, which would be my preferred fix if you guys are happy to consider this.  Is that we pay you to produce a version of Pegasus with our "Fly VFE" logo in place of the vamsys logo. This could be made available for our pilots to download directly from our website so it would not cause confusion to any other vamsys users who fly with other VAs.   The reason this is important to us is that unlike most other VAs, we are not just a hobby group.  Our VA is an offshoot of a real world flight training business....so it will be our real world customers who join the VA specifically to fly our routes at home.  I would totally expect to pay you extra for this service.  If we could pay you to produce a version of Pegasus that has our logo on it, for us to make available just to our pilots, that would be the preferred resolution to this point.  I really hope that you guys could consider that please.  Please feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss this at stevemount73@aol.co.uk

Thanks for coming back to me, hopefully the points I have made might be useful feedback for you guys.  Apart from that we are enjoying getting to grip with the software and are happy to be here. All the best - Steve 

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  • vAMSYS Platform Administrator
On 30/01/2023 at 15:05, Steven M. said:

3. Pegasus branding

If you have in-house tools and developers to make you a custom Pegasus App - let's talk. Otherwise it's a no - we are not in a position to make custom ACARSs. 

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On 25/02/2023 at 12:44, Steven M. said:

Hi, yes, if we had the source code we have people who could customise the pegasus app purely for our own users. 

Sorry not something we are willing to consider at this time. 

Operations Director & Owner: Virtual European Aviation Group (vEAG). Comprising: vTUISmartLynx VirtualTitan VirtualvAvionVueling VirtualFly4 and Speedbird Virtual.

No support is offered by DM - please use the support channel relevant to your query (VA support to the airline directly, vAMSYS support for owners and staff only via the offical vAMSYS Discord)

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2 hours ago, Steven M. said:

That link fails. 

We have moved away from Bugzilla now. I recommend joining the vAMSYS VA Owner / Staff Discord (link is in Orwell) where you can keep up to date with changes like this. 

Operations Director & Owner: Virtual European Aviation Group (vEAG). Comprising: vTUISmartLynx VirtualTitan VirtualvAvionVueling VirtualFly4 and Speedbird Virtual.

No support is offered by DM - please use the support channel relevant to your query (VA support to the airline directly, vAMSYS support for owners and staff only via the offical vAMSYS Discord)

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9 minutes ago, Chris Dobison said:

Sorry not something we are willing to consider at this time. 

That's fine, but seems to be a different position to the comment by Lukas above which I was responding to, who suggested that let's talk.

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11 minutes ago, Chris Dobison said:

We have moved away from Bugzilla now. I recommend joining the vAMSYS VA Owner / Staff Discord (link is in Orwell) where you can keep up to date with changes like this. 

ok thanks.

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10 hours ago, Steven M. said:

That's fine, but seems to be a different position to the comment by Lukas above which I was responding to, who suggested that let's talk.

What I mean is we have no intention of releasing the source code to the open world. As Lukas said, if you have developers then let’s talk - that’s different to making it publicly available, and not a chat for a public forum. Feel free to drop us a support ticket with your plans / people and we will review accordingly. 

Operations Director & Owner: Virtual European Aviation Group (vEAG). Comprising: vTUISmartLynx VirtualTitan VirtualvAvionVueling VirtualFly4 and Speedbird Virtual.

No support is offered by DM - please use the support channel relevant to your query (VA support to the airline directly, vAMSYS support for owners and staff only via the offical vAMSYS Discord)

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