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How to manually import PIREPs for existing pilots?

Lukas Jankauskas
Message added by George Peppard,

This is a post from vAMSYS staff which aims to answer a common/frequently raised question, or addresses a common misconception.


1 answer to this question

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  • vAMSYS Platform Administrator

This is no longer applicable. It has been superseded by PIREP Claims and Pilot Invite options available.


Follow these steps:

  1. Compile the Pirep submissions.csv - you can download it from the question above.
    • Note: You can open it in Excel, Google Sheets etc - be sure to save it as CSV before upload
  2. Fill in all the columns for each row
    • pilot_id must contain pilot Username - for example VAM0005. Wrong entries include VAM 0005, vam0005 or lukas@vamsys.co.uk
    • hours must include a numerical value - for example 2 or 1.5 or 0. Wrong entries include 'twenty', 15/3 etc.
    • points must include a whole numerical value - for example 100 or 150 or 0. Wrong entries include fractional values such as 100.55 or 0.00 or 150.00 or words.
    • bonus_points must include a whole numerical value - for example 100 or 150 or 0. Wrong entries include fractional values such as 100.55 or 0.00 or or 150.00 or words.
  3. Sanitise your data
    • pilot_id - capital latters, no spaces. You can use excel formula in E2 such as this -> =UPPER(TRIM(A2)), and copy over the result from E2 to A2 then delete column E.
    • Check that columns B, C and D contain numbers only - no letters, no spaces. Check instructions in step 2.
  4. Save as comma separated values - CSV
  5. Check data
    • Open CSV in notepad and check - values should be separated by ',' there should be no "s or other artifacts or extraneous columns:
  6. Upload file in Orwell -> Data -> Importers -> Data: PIREPs


Each row in the CSV create a new 'Credit' PIREP for the pilot. There can be multiple rows for each Pilot.
Be very careful reuploading file in case of failure! You are very likely to cause duplicate entries which we will not be able to remove for you. If the importer failed - check all the steps again - you made a mistake. Once you fixed it, check your VA PIREP list and remove rows for which PIREPs got already created.

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